Suresh Gopi, the celebrated Malayalam actor, has won a significant election in Thrissur, Kerala, with a notable margin. Despite past electoral setbacks, his persistence and widespread fan base, alongside his connection with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, have contributed to his political victory. Known for his roles in over 250 films and his national award-winning performance, Gopi aims to balance his film commitments while stepping into a central minister role.
Suresh Gopi Refutes Resignation from Modi 3.0 Ministerial Council Amid Political Tension
BJP MP Suresh Gopi has denied claims of his resignation from the Modi 3.0 Council of Ministers. Gopi, who was sworn in as a Minister of State, refuted media reports and accusations from the Congress party. Kerala BJP president K Surendran also called the claims fake news, emphasizing Gopi's continued commitment to his ministerial duties.